I'm a seeker of truth through the scientific method, working on a better future for all beings.
Search and thou shalt findStudied Engineering Physics @ The Hague
University for Applied Sciences. /B. Eng./
Currently working as Physics Research Assistent @ SRON.
Interested in decentralized digital sovereign money (e.g. bitcoin) as a stepping stone to a
civilization of abundance where orwellian governments and corporately controlled fiat are obsolete.
Bitcoin and Lightning Network node operator.
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Player of a 5-string Jazz Bass and Acoustic Guitar, tuned A E B F# C# (fifths like the cello).
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Water, Electricity and Plasma phase (4th phase)
Liquid Crystaline H3O2, A fascinating discovery of the chemical structure of water at surfaces
and interfaces by Dr. Gerald
H. Pollack.
Evidence of Condensed matter in our Sun and the Stars, as (liquid) metalic hydrogen that
behaves like hot carbon / graphene does on earth by Pierre-Marie Robitaille.
Electric nature of our Universe can explain many observed mysteries in recent Space missions,
as reported by the Thunderbolts
Project (with experimental investigation by the SAFIRE project).
Space weather, solar activity and it's impact on Earth's climate,
There are many cycles that influence solar activity (observable through sunspot counting with ~11 year Schwabe cycle) of which the 22 (2*11) year Hale cycle makes a full magnetic polar cycle on the sun. There is an ~80 year (Gleissberg cycle) amplitude modulation of these solar cycles, ~178 year Jose cycle, ~208 year Suess-de Vries cycle and a longer 2400±200 year modulation (Bray-Hallstat cycle) on top of that.
These cycles (likely of astronomical origin as resonances from the Jovian planets) influence the heliosphere and modulate the inflow of cosmic rays and dust onto Earth, in turn impacting albedo or cloud coverage (more x-rays = more atmospheric cloud seeding) which modulates the energy arriving and staying in our atmosphere and oceans.
As reported by: spaceweathernews.com
Don't accept indefinite lockdowns, curfews and mandetory medical/social experiments that violate your dearly fought for human rights, apply civil disobedience when they cross your line in the sand.
Vote against pathologically lying political leaders who fund war and steal wealth from the public.
Natural law is a philosophical theory that posits that there is a universal moral code that is
inherent in the natural order and that can be understood through reason and conscience. This moral code is
believed to be universal and applicable to all people, regardless of their cultural or social background.
According to the theory of natural law, these moral principles are not created by humans or dependent on the
laws of any particular society, but rather they are inherent in the nature of the universe and can be
discovered through reason and contemplation.
Natural law theories have been influential in the development of various legal and moral systems throughout
history. They have also been used to justify certain political and social positions, such as the belief in
the inherent rights of individuals or the idea that certain actions are inherently wrong and should be
prohibited by law.
Some philosophers and theologians who have influenced the development of natural law theory include Thomas
Aquinas, John Locke, and Immanuel Kant.
Concious beings have the ability for self-reflection and to discover the secrets of Nature.
From various Cosmic Concious messengers (e.g. Dr. Walter Russell) we have received intimate knowlegde of the
way our Universe works.
There is only One source of all living things, the Universal One, whose electric thinking continuously
generates our worlds (physical, mental, spiritual) as a thougth in rhythmic balanced interchange.
This first Hermetic principle is also known as the Principle of Mentalism, Universal Mind, which is all
encompassing and loving.
Read my enlightening article about the Geometry of Light.